The Cerrado is the second biggest bio-dome in South America in extension covering an area of 2.036.448 km² which corresponds to 22 % of total brazilian national territory. It has 11.627 native species already cathalogued, being recognized as the richest savannah in the world. Besides the environmental aspect the Cerrado has strong social contribution as part of its population survives by exploting the natural resources with a thorough knowledge of its biodiversity with more than 220 species for medical and cosmetic usage.
Throughout its sustainable practices Biodivér revert back to the Nature all benefits it offers ensuring the bio-dome's continous development as well as environment preservation. The fruits from where we extract our raw materials are never harvested from the trees because the Nature itself does this selection, releasing those which will be utilized in the production. Furthermore we established partnerships with the communities in the region for harvesting and selection, bringing benefits to the Nature, the population, the economy and the regional development.